The center medallion is the community logo, “The Star of Bethlehem”; one of the most beautiful quilt patterns known in rural America – especially Appalachia. This symbolizes our “reaching out” to all people as the points and rays of this star move outward. The five points also symbolize the joy, the trust, the hope, the desire to reconcile with all people and churches, and the hospitality of our Glenmary charism.
Like Jesus, our Savior, we are sent by God to live simply and inclusively. The star symbolizes in all its crisscrossing pattern, unity in diversity – i.e., we try, like the TRINITY, to form Christian community with all God’s people! In this very struggle to form, share and extend community, we, like God born flesh in Bethlehem, are mindful especially of the “forgotten ones…the poor…the neglected…” of rural and small town America. These, the poor, as our founder, Fr. William Howard Bishop, said, are truly God’s “Ambassadors.” (Mid-Winter Letter: Fr. William Howard Bishop) As God’s Ambassadors, they teach us so much of God’s very person!
Within the pattern of this “Star”, the symbol of the Cross is engraved. Like St. Paul, we boast of the Cross while others may consider it pure folly. Each day we are called to participate in the sufferings of others knowing that Jesus’ very death is our salvation. After the pain of suffering and death, the resurrection follows. And, once again, the “Star” tells us of the glory of the Risen Christ – the hope that awaits each of us and calls all God’s people.