Our Glenmary spirituality involves Christian activity founded in and formed by a deep life of prayer and trust in the Holy Trinity. The Holy Spirit impels us to be women of faith, hope, and love in all circumstances. We pray constantly for the fullness of the gifts of the Spirit for ourselves and for the whole Church to hasten our oneness with Christ. We Glenmary Sisters delight in the joy of the Spirit given to us as we share the love and teachings of God with all people.
As a missionary community we have a special devotion to our patroness Mary, Our Lady of the Fields. Another Marian feast we commemorate is Our Lady of Mount Carmel, July 16th, the day we were officially established as a community of consecrated life. The Feast of the North American Martyrs, Saints Isaac Jogues and companions, October 19th is known and celebrated by all Glenmarians as our Founders Day!
The Sisters of each local community house agree on a special form of spiritual enrichment through fasting and prayer during Advent and Lent in preparation for Christmas and Easter. At times the Mother Superior may suggest a form of ascetical practice for a particular intention or need, which we generously embrace.
Each of us recognizes that death allows us fullness of life with the Holy Trinity. At the time of death of one of our Sisters we join in heartfelt prayer for her entrance into the everlasting life.